
Security Force Headquarters

17th November 2017 15:58:57 Hours


It is with deep regret that the Corps of Signals pronounce the demise of Brigadier KJN Senaweera (Rtd) RSP USP Ldmc, on 01 January 2017.

Kankanamge Jayabandhu Nimal Senaweera was born on 03 November 1948 as the seventh to a respectable family in Colombo. Master Jayabandhu Nimal Senaweera had his education from Royal College, Colombo and excelled both in academics and sports. He proved himself as an outstanding sportsman by representing the College Rugby and Billiard teams.

At the conclusion of his school education, he obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Peradeniya. The young Jayabandhu Nimal Senaweera then joined the Sri Lanka Army on 01 May 1974 as an Officer Cadet with the Direct Enlisted Intake and received his basic military training from the Army Training Centre Diyatalawa. After successful completion of his cadet training adorned with the ‘Sward of Honour’, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant on 01 May 1974 into the prestigious Sri Lanka Signal Corps. During his tour of duty, he served the Regiment in numerous Command, Staff and Instructional appointments in different areas of the country displaying a high degree of professionalism and utmost commitment in discharging duties and responsibilities entrusted to him.

His absolute dedication, commitment and competence displayed towards the service were recognized by promoting him to the rank of Captain on 01 June 1980 and to the Major on 01 June 1988. His aspiring leadership was further rewarded by promoting him to the senior ranks of the Army respectively to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on 01 June 1994, to the rank of Colonel on 30 November 1996 and to the rank of Brigadier on 29 November 2001.

During his long and glorious military career, Brigadier KJN Senaweera held many appointments in different capacities both in the Corps of Signals and the Army. Some of the key appointments held by him were:

Adjutant -1st Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps
Squadron Commander- Kotelawala Defence Academy (KDA)
General Staff Officer II (Training & Staff Duties) - Army Headquarters
Staff Officer II- Directorate of Signals
Officer Commanding 1 Squadron - 1st Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps
General Staff Officer I - Headquarters 3 Brigade
Commanding Officer - 3rd Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps
General Staff Officer I (Plans), Directorate of Operations - Army Headquarters
Officiating Colonel (General Staff) - Headquarters Joint Operations
Colonel (General Staff), Headquarters Joint Operations - 3 Division
Commander - 29 Infantry Brigade
Commander - 541 Infantry Brigade