
Security Force Headquarters

06th February 2021 16:35:11 Hours


The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP has been appointed as the Overall Coordinator of Prevention of Covid - 19 in the District of Vauniya by the presidential secretariat. The coordinating conference was held at the District Secretariat Office - Vauniya on 01 February 2021 with Regional Director of Health Services and government officials, wholesale traders with officers of the Army and Police.

During the meeting District Secretary - Vavuniya Mr S M Saman Bandulasena addressed the conference stating that his views and recommendations for control the Covid - 19 pandamic in the district specially in Vavniya city area. Regional Director of Health service Dr Mahendran briefed the situation at present in Vavniya city and suburb. Further he emphasized the importence of adhering health instructions to prevent the rapid spread of the disease among the community.

In this meeting, the District Secretary - Vavuniya paied his respect to the security forces for their untiring effort to curb the Covid - 19 pandemic in the district of Vavuniya. He also informed to the government officials that for the time being general public in the district can attend their day to day activities by adhering to health guidelines stipulated to curb the pandemic.

The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Maj Gen D M H D Bandara RWP RSP USP, District Secretary - Vavuniya Mr. S M Saman Bandulasena, Deputy Inspector General - Vavuniya G Tissalal De Silva and government officials attended the conference.