
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:44 Hours

Commanding Officers, Second in Commanding Officers Course

Aspiration of the Commander Security Force (Wanni), Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and competent authority of resettlement of internally displaced personnel in Northern Province Major General M H S B Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc, which is enable to improve the professional standards of battalion Commanders and potential battalion Commanders, the Commanding Officers’ and Second in Commands’ course was inaugurated on 25th July 2014 at the Conference Hall of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni). The opening address was held with the precedence of Brigadier General Staff of Security Force Head Quarters (Wanni) Brigadier HP Senevirathne USP, Brigadier DT Gamage psc, and Brigadier JC Gamage psc. An opening gambit was conducted by Colonel LDSS Liyanage RSP USP psc Colonel General Staff of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni). All the Commanding Officers and Second in Commanding Officers of the course and staff Officers of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) presented at the occasion. The duration of the course will be 14 working days starting on 25th July 2014 and following subjects will be covered during the course. Staff Duties & Op Staff Work, Command, Management, Intelligence, Leadership, Current Affairs, Miscellaneous