
Security Force Headquarters

02nd July 2024 19:23:42 Hours


The Commander Security Forces (Wanni), Major General J P C Peiris RWP RSP ndc made his first official visit to 59 Infantry Division and under-command Brigades on 01 July 2024. The General Officer Commander, 59 Infantry Division Major General WMPM Wijasooriya RWP RSP ndu, Staff Officers, Brigade Commanders and Commanding Officers extended a warm welcome to the Commander, Security Force (Wanni) on arrival by presenting ceremonial honours at the entrance.

The Deputy General Officer Commander Brigadier K H N P Hennadige RWP RSP psc delivered the welcome speech. After that, Commander Security Forces (Wanni) addressed the troops under command to 59 Infantry Division and stressed the importance of maintaining of peace and security while maintaining the standards of the army through training and discipline to uphold the honour of the victorious army. The General Officer Commanding 59 Infantry Division presented a memento to the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) to commemorate the first official visit to 59 Infantry Division.

The Commander 59 Infantry Division, Colonel General Staff and Colonel Admin and Quartering 59 Infantry Division conducted a comprehensive briefing regarding Roll, Task, future plans and Admin and Quartering of 59 Infantry Division with the Commander Security Forces (Wanni). After that, the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) posed for a group photo graph with field Commanders and Staff Officers of 59 Infantry Division. Thereafter, the Commander Security Forces (Wanni) visited the 591 and 593 Infantry Brigades. During this visit Brigadier General Staff, Colonel Administration and Quartering and Colonel General Staff of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) also joined the official visit in order to receive update on the operational and administrative functions of the 59 Infantry Division area.