
Security Force Headquarters

19th December 2019 15:53:36 Hours


The Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri ndu psc made his official visit to 54 Division and its under command formations during 16 and 17 December 2019.

In line with the traditions and customs in the army he was warmly welcome by awarding a guard turnout at the HQ 54 Div by the General Officer Commanding Brigadier AAIJ Bandara RWP RSP USP ndu. Thereafter he laid a flower wreath to pay gratitude to the war heroes monument, and to mark the visit to Headquarters 54 Division, Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri planted a Mango sapling.

Later, he paid his thorough attention on the comprehensive briefing presented by the General Officer Commanding of 54 Division in relevance of the Operational and Administrational tasks carried out by54 Division.

Then, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited Naval Base ‘Barana’ and there the he was warmly welcome by Senior Naval Officers and presented a plaque to mark the visit.

As the next event, Commander Security Force (Wanni) gathered in a tree planting programme organized at Marichchakaddi area which is adjacent to Wilpattu National Park. Representing members from tri forces, police and students of nearby schools attended in this programme.

As intended by the Commander when taking over duties to command troops of Security Force (Wanni), Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri visited the 22 Battalion Gajaba Regiment and its ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies.Then, Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited Headquarters 543 Brigade and there he was warmly received by the Commander 543 Brigade Colonel M Mayadunna RSP USP Afterwards, he paid his courtesy for Arch Bishop Mannar Rev Fr Dr. Emmanuel Fernandoby visiting the Arch Bishop House. On the way back, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited 7 Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment.

The following day visit was commenced from 541 Brigade and there he warmly welcomed by the Commander 541 Brigade Colonel KMPSB Kulathunga RSP psc Next, he visited 12 (V) Battalion Sri Lanka Artillery, 10 (V) Battalion of Gemunu Watch respectively and there the Commanding Officers of those Battalions warmly welcomed the Commander Security Force (Wanni).

Finally, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited 542 Brigade, 15 (V) Battalion Gemunu Watch respectively. There Commander Security Force (Wanni) paid his attention on briefings made by the Brigade Commander and Commanding Officer of respective brigade and battalion.

General Officer Commanding 54 Division, Commanders of 541, 542 and 543 Brigades, Senior Officers of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni), Commanding Officers of under command Battalions to 62 Divisions attended in the visits.