
Security Force Headquarters

31st July 2019 11:50:48 Hours


The official visits of the Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General H J S Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc was continued visiting Headquarters 61 and 54 Divisions respectively on 29 and 30 July 2019.

During the visit to 61 Division the Commander Security Force (Wanni) was warmly received by the General Officer Commanding of 61 Division, Major General R K B S Ketakumbura RSP and bestowed with a Guard Turnout and a Guard of Honour. Afterwards, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) planted an Ironwood (Naa) sapling at the camp premises to mark his visit to Headquarters 61 Division and subsequently gathered in an all rank tea party.

Next segment of the day’s event was a comprehensive briefing made by the General Officer Commanding of 61 Division in relevance to the responsibilities and duties vested to the Division. Culminating the visit, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) addressed a cross section of troops under 61 Division. In order to supervise the Battalion Training Conducting by Battalion Training School, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) on his way back visited for an inspection tour and have a close look at the Battalion Training School Pampeimadu and he instructed the officials who are responsible in carrying out training there, to enhance the infrastructure and training facilities of school to create a proper training atmosphere.

In same, the next day was the visit to 54 Division where the newly appointed Commander was warmly welcomed by the General Officer Commanding of 54 Division Brigadier A A I J Bandara RWP RSP USP ndu The visit was honoured with the Guard turnout and Guard of Honour. Later the Commander Security Force (Wanni) marked his visit by planting a Mango sapling inside the camp premises. An inclusive briefing to acknowledge the new Commander on duties vested to 54 Division was followed by an addressing a cross section of troops under 54 Division.

After the visit to Headquarters 54 Division Major General H J S Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc attended in a tree planting campaign at Silawathura area where currently the Army is launching its mega tree planting drive “Thuruliya Wenuwen Api” focussing to re plant the adjacent conserved forest areas to Wilpattu National Park.

Commanders of respective Divisions, Brigades and Battalion Commanders along with several Senior Officers and large number of Other Ranks made their presence during the visits to their respective Divisions.