
Security Force Headquarters

03rd October 2020 13:23:40 Hours


Reverberating rhythmic beats of traditional and auspicious drums, ‘Hevisi’ and ‘Magul Bera’ on Wednesday (30) morning echoed around the Anuradhapura sacred ‘Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi’ precincts as the stage was set to start the annual Flag Blessing ceremony, precursor to the forthcoming 71th Army Day (October 10).

Chief of Defense Staff and Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, as the head of the organization on arrival at the premises paid his respect to the Chief Incumbent for all eight places of worship (Atamasthandhipathi), Most Ven. Dr. Pallegama Sirinivasa Nayaka Thero, Sangha Nayake for North Central Province at the Sanghawasaya (residential monastery) at first and formally invited him to lead the religious performances at the Udamaluwa (upper layer) by offering the symbolic tray of betel (Deheth Wattiya) and ‘Atapirikara’.

A colourful pageant after a while accompanied the monks to the Udamaluwa for religious performances as hundreds of Army soldiers-turned flag-bearers, attired in formal glittering dresses, remained lined up in the Welimaluwa (lower-layer) precincts before all Army flags were taken to the upper layer for the symbolic invocation of blessings.

The customary spectacle, as has been the practice, began after all the Army Flags, representing the Army Headquarters, the Volunteer Force Headquarters, all Security Force Headquarters, all Forward Maintenance Areas, Divisions, Brigades, Regiments, Units and Army Training Schools were taken for blessings in this way around the Weli Maluwa (lower layer) thrice before those flags were accepted by Senior Officers, awaiting at the Meda Maluwa (middle layer). The Commander afterwards respectfully laid the flags around the sacred tree later on.

Ven. Nugathenne Pangnananda Nayaka Thero, Chief Incumbent at Sri Jayanthi Viharaya, Ven. Eethalawetunuwewe Gnanathilake Thero, Incumbent, Miriswetiya and monks representing eight places of worship participated in the religious programme.

In another gesture, a special cash donation of Rs 1 million for development of the sacred place was then offered by the Commander to the Atamasthanadhipathi, Most Ven. Dr. Pallegama Sirinivasa Nayaka Thero as a symbolic gesture of respect and appreciation towards the well-being of the Sangha fraternity and development of the sacred place.

A representative gathering of Officers and Other Rankers were at this sacred living monument of the Enlightened One to attend the coulourful and dignified second flag-blessing ceremony of the Army that heralds the forthcoming 71th Army anniversary and the Army Day (Oct 10).

Unforgetful of gallantry and sacrifices they made in the battlefield and giving prioritized attention, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, just a few minutes after the day’s main religious ceremony at Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi was over, straight away proceeded to the ‘Abhimansala - 1’ (wellness resort) at Anuradhapura where some 40 dependent War Heroes are receiving rehabilitation and recuperation for the rest of their lives. The customary practice coincided with the forthcoming Army Day anniversary commemorations.

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, together with, several senior officers after a brief welcome visited the wards and spoke to each of those differently able War Heroes in order to inquire into their wellbeing and requirements during his interactions with them. Showing his fatherly affection, Lieutenant General Silva, awarded each of them a gift parcel that contained essentials during the same occasion. After Senior Officers sat together with all the inmates and had his lunch with them.

Chief of Staff, Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Deputy Chief of Staff, Adjutant General, Commanders of Security Forces, All Principal Staff Officers, Commandants, General Officers Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and a representative gathering of Senior Officers were present during the ceremony and the event.