25th April 2024 18:53:31 Hours
In celebrating the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, a ‘Bakmaha Ulela’ was held at Medawachchiya Public Stadium on 20 April 2024, giving priority to Sinhala culture and Folk games. This event was organized under the guidance of GOC 21 Inf Div Maj Gen HHKSS Hewage RWP RSP USP rcds psc and with the supervision of the Comd 213 Inf Bde Col PM de Silva RSP USP and was organized by 213 Infantry Brigade with the collaboration of the Divisional Secretariat- Medawachchiya and it was sponsored by the Business Community of Medawachchiya.
GOC 21 Infantry Division Maj Gen HHKSS Hewage RWP RSP USP rcdspsc graced the occasion as the chief guest and the Comd 213 Infantry Brigade Col PM de Silva RSP USP, Divisional Secretariat- Medawachchiya, sponsored businessmen participated as the guests. The event was concluded with a musical night later that day.