
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:56 Hours


Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) celebrated the dawn of the first working day of the new year 2015 with a customary ceremony on 1st January 2015 with tradition and military formalities. Hoisting of the National Flag as well as the Army flag, followed by reciting of the National Anthem and the Army Song, inaugurating the day highlight at the SF HQ (W) premises. The Commander Security Force (Wanni), Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and Competent Authority for Resettling Internal Displaced Personal in Northern Province Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP ndu psc hoisted the National Flag while Brigadier Admin & Quartering, Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) Brigadier P S R L Rajakaruna Lsc raised the Security Force (Wanni) Flag and followed with the Observance of a one minute silence to pay respect to those who had made the supreme sacrifice for the country. After delivering Army Commanders New year Massage by Brigadier P S R L Rajakaruna Lsc, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) delivered his new year message for the new year. In the meantime Commander Security Force (Wanni) distributed permanent appointment letters among the civil staff, serving under Security Force (Wanni) on casual basis as per the directives, given by the budget 2015 proposals. As it is a practice every year, the Commander ended the new year day’s program with all rank tea party at Auditorium. In the evening Commander Security Force (Wanni) visited different able soldiers at the Abimansala-Anuradhapura and gave away some gift packs to mark the new year.