
Security Force Headquarters

13th April 2020 10:07:33 Hours


As per the instructions of the Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Rohitha Dharmasiri ndc psc, a blood donation campaign was organized at the Field Hospital Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) on 12 April 2020.

This program was initiated as per the request of Consultant Transfusion Physician of Blood Bank - General Hospital Vavuniya in order to fulfill the timely urgent requirement of different types of blood categories, platelets and fresh plasma. To face for any Contingencies during Corona pandemic.

Around 60 troops representing all under command formations of Security Force (Wanni) voluntarily made their contribution to donate blood in order fulfill the existing low stock of blood at Northern Province Hospitals.

A medical team from General Hospital Vavuniya together with the medical staff of Field Hospital Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) conducted this blood donation campaign successfully.