
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:58 Hours


Under the Guidance and direction of the Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) who introduced the world most popular management theory \'5s\' to Wanni troops and their working environment, for the first time in Sri Lankan military history, decided to hold a \'5s\' competition among the troops to select the best Battalion and Brigade in the year 2014.\r\n The certificates and prizes awarding ceremony for the winners of \'5s\' competition was held at the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) auditorium on 07th February 2015. 561 Brigade was awarded with the Championship 2014, being the best among 14 Brigades and the Brigade commander 561 Brigade Colonel S B Wijesooriya RWP RSP accompanied by the RSM of the 561 Brigade S/Sgt S Dikson received their prize cash cheque worth of hundred thousand by the Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni).\r\n The best Battalion was 26 Sri Lanka light Infantry Regiment by defeating 41 Battalions and won the Championship.\r\n The Commanding Officer of 26 Sri Lanka light Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel G A D K G Ganegoda accompanied BY RSM WO I K G Ajith Priyanka RSP received their winning prize cheque worth of hundred thousand by the Commander Security Force Headquarters (Wanni).