
Security Force Headquarters

05th October 2023 19:16:31 Hours


To uplift the knowledge and presentation skills of the officers under command of 56 Infantry Division, a presentation was conducted at HQ 10 SLLI in Palinagar on September 2023, with the directions of Major General H G P M Kariyawasam RSP ndc psc IG, the General Officer Commanding 56 Infantry Division.

This presentation was conducted under the topic "Sustainable Future of Sri Lanka: Will it be Possible Against the Dominance of Geo Politics, Geo Strategy, and Geo Economy in India” by 561 Inf Bde and under command Bns with the supervision of the Comd, 561 Inf Bde Brigadier K M G Bandaranayake USP psc. The presentation team was led by the Second in Command of 10 SLLI, with the contribution of 561 Brigade staff officers and 10 SLLI officers. This program was conducted in the presence of Major General H G P M Kariyawasam RSP ndc psc IG, General Officer Commanding, 56 Infantry Division, Brigadier T M S J Tennakoon RSP, Comd, 562 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier KMG Bandaranayake USP psc, Comd, 561 Infantry Brigade, and other senior officers and officers.

The presentation concluded with a question-and-answer session where the audiences were able to clarify their doubts pertaining to the subject matter from the presenting group. Finally, the General Officer Commanding extended his valuable input on the topic with possible recommendations and commended the efforts taken by the presentation group.