
Security Force Headquarters

22nd February 2019 16:48:55 Hours


The closing ceremony of Inter Division Volley Ball Tournament - 2019 took place on 20 February 2019 at the Sports Complex in Headquarters Security Force (Wanni). The Volley Ball tournament is one of the sports events organized every year in Security Force (Wanni) area where the Officers and Other Ranks of all under command formations get the opportunity to exhibit their talents in the field of sports.

Formations under command to Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), 21, 54, 56, 61, 62 Divisions and Forward Maintenance Area (North Central) battled for the championship.

Volley Ball, as the National Sport in Sri Lanka is being played in different formations in Army under various levels which emulated the highest professional sportsmanship to improve the standards with the aim of emerging as National and International level Volley Ball players within the organisation.

During a nail biting battle held between 54 and 56 Divisions, the year’s overall championship was awarded to 54 Division while 56 Division emerged as runners up.

Troops of Headquarters Security Force (Wanni) organized the year’s Meet in a grandiose manner with elaborate arrangements under the supervision of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Major General Kumudu Perera RWP RSP VSV USP ndu.

The General Officer Commanding of 56 Division Major General Prabath Dematanpitiya ndu psc represented the certificate awarding and closing ceremony as the chief guest on behalf of the Commander Security Force (Wanni).

General Officers Commanding of 21, 61, 62 Divisions, the Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North Central), Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier Admin and Quartering in Security Force Headquarters (Wanni), Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officers and large number of Other Ranks made their presence in the final ceremony of Inter Division Volley Ball Tournament - 2019.