
Security Force Headquarters

04th June 2022 17:18:57 Hours

651 Infantry Brigade troops under the 65 Infantry Division provided assistance to a needy family

651 Infantry Brigade troops under the 65 Infantry Division provided assistance to a needy family for the conduct of the funeral of their 04 years old daughter who died in an unexpected electric shock in Nachchikuda area on 31 May 2022. This family was very poor family and they have two kids 9 years old daughter and 6 years old son, father is a fisherman and due to fuel crisis he was not able to continue with his fishing activities.

Therefore, at the request of the family, as per the directions of General Officer Commanding of 65 Infantry Division Major General KA Samarasiri RWP RSP USP psc, under the guidelines and supervision of Comd - 651 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier KMW Bandara RSP, troops of 651 Infantry Brigade coordinated the temporary hut, plastic chairs and provided drinking water facilities, dinner before the funeral day and morning tea of the funeral day have been provided with the help of 65 Infantry Division, for approx 300 civilians those who attended to the funeral house. 651 Infantry Brigade staff and other ranks attended the funeral.