
Security Force Headquarters

09th May 2018 11:30:13 Hours


61 Division together with its under command Battalions organized a Sinhala and Hindu New Year festive on 09 April 2018 at 611 Brigade play ground in Eachchankulam under the guidance of General Officer Commanding, 61 Division Major General D M S Dissanayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu.

The General Officer Commanding participated in traditional rituals and customs organised by troops of 61 Division to mark the dawning of the Sinhala and Hindu New Year in order to a request made by villagers in Eechchankulam.

61 Division had organised number of traditional games such as Bicycle race, Cross Country race, Grease Pole climbing, Pillow-Fights, Tug-of-War, Fancy Dress Parade, Identifying Concealed Guest, Beauty Pageant etc.

The day was made more colourful with the presence of more than thousand school children and all were hosted for lunch while enjoying the day’s events.

New Year celebration culminated with anentertaining musical night coloured by the veteran musician Mr. Priyantha Rathnayake and the musical band of Gajaba Regiment.

The General Officer Commanding 61 Division Major General D M S Dissanayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu graced this occasion as the chief guest.

The General Officer Commanding of 54 Division Major General G J A W Galagamage, Brigade Commanders of 611, 612 and 613 Brigades, the Commandant of Sri Lanka Air Force Training School (Wanni) Wing Commander K G K N Wimalarathne Superintendent of Police – Vavuniya Mr. T M S M Thennakoon, the Divisional Secretary – Vavuniya Mr. K U dayaraja, number of public and private sector officials and thousands of villagers gathered in the Day’s events.