
Security Force Headquarters

19th December 2023 18:57:52 Hours


Colonel M G A Malandeniya RSP, assumed duties as the 10th Brigade Commander of the 561 Infantry Brigade amid religious blessings at the 561 Infantry Brigade Headquarters premises in Kanakarayankulam, on 12 December 2023.

The newly-appointed Brigade Commander was warmly welcomed by Staff Officers and saluted in a Guard Turnout presented by 16th Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment troops. Further, the Commander planted a sapling in camp premises.

The new Brigade Commander signed the official document to mark the assumption of his duties amidst 'Seth Pirith' chanting.

Later on, in line with military formalities, the new Brigade Commander addressed the all Officers and Other Ranks while expressing his vision for the Brigade in the future.

Staff Officers of the 561 Infantry Brigade, Officers and Other Rankers were present on the occasion.