
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:41:09 Hours


As per the instruction and the guidance of the Security Force Commander Major General MHSB Perera RWP RSP USP ndu psc the pilot vehicle for SLCMP were revived with the fullest engagement of technical assistance of 5 SLEME.\r\n\r\nAs a special project in repairing of unserviceable pilot vehicles was launched with a shorter period of time about 3 months. Under the guidance of FMA Comd (North Central), commanding officer of 5 SLEME confronted of the challenge able task and made all the necessary arrangements in repairing the vehicles into exploitable condition. Through this project Army was able to reduce a considerable cost of due repairing for vehicles drown to an unserviceable condition due to utilize of army vehicles for the demands of troops’ requirement, and civil affairs programmes are continuously undergoing in the area.\r\nThe completion of successful project of repairing the vehicles, the tireless commitment and the sheer dedication for the valued service of the Commanding Officer of 5 SLEME and the under commanding troops were highly appreciated by the Commander Security Force (Wanni).