
Security Force Headquarters

30th April 2018 12:38:20 Hours


21 Infantry Division in Anuradhapura proudly celebrated its 30th Anniversary on 04 April 2018 with the participation of General Officer Commanding 21 Division Major General W R P De Silva USP ndu IG.

All troops participated in a Shramadhana campaign at Ruwanweliseya on 24 March 2018 to mark the year’s anniversary of the Division on instructions of the Division Commander. That was followed by a Bodhi Pujaon 03 April 2018 to invoke blessings to all under command soldiers as well as to pass merits to war heroes who sacrificed their lives to safeguard the integrity of the motherland.

Following true Military customs and traditions of a ‘Division Day’ a Guard turnout was accorded to the Division Commander by troops of 22 Gajaba Regiment on 04 April 2018. Later on, the General Officer Commanding addressed the troops and appreciated and paid gratitude to the previous Commanders’ for their commitment that had contributed to build up the division up to a high standard. Afterwards, an all rank lunch and a cordial interaction with Senior Non-Commissioned Officers took place at the Division Headquarters.

As the next event, troops of 21 Division organised a Dhamma sermon on 05 April 2018 concurrent to the Division’s Anniversary.

Celebrations of the 30th Anniversary culminated with a colourful musical night organised on 06 April 2018 in the presence of General Officer Commanding 21 Division Major General W R P De Silva USP ndu IG as the chief guest.

Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers of under command battalions to 21 Division, number of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in these occasions.