
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:40:44 Hours

104 houses were handed over to War Hero families by H E President Mahinda Rajapakshe

His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa handed over 104 houses constructed by the "Api Wenuwen Api" project fund, in Horowpathana, Morawewa area to War Hero families ceremonially on 5 July 2014. In a symbolic gesture the President handed over two houses with all the facilities, to the family of late Cpl Amerasooriya UDD and to L/Cpl Karunaratne KC. President$s Secretary Mr. Lalith Weerathunga, Secretary Defence and Urban Development Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Secretary to the Ministry of Law and Order Major General (Rtd) Nanda Mallawarachchi, Chairperson of the MODUD Seva Vanitha Unit Mrs. Ioma Rajapaksa, Chief of Defence Staff, Tri- Forces Commanders, Inspector General of Police, senior state officials, tri forces offers and a large number of people were present at the occasion.