
Security Force Headquarters

08th July 2022 16:10:04 Hours


‘ManushathwayeSahanaYathrawa’ and ‘AthahithaProgramme’ conducted series of events at Welioya on 02 July 2022 in order to uplift the living standard of low income families and the education of the children in rural areas. At the outset 196 school accessory packs, each worth of Rs. 8000.00 total 1,568,000.00 were distributed among the students at Sri Pura Primary School, Paranamadawachchiya Primary School and Janakapura Primary School. In simultaneously, 75 dry ration packs each worth of Rs. 4500.00 totally 337,500.00 also distributed among the low income families in the area. Further, Rs. 27,500.00 stationary pack also donated to Kiri Ibbanwewa Sanga Pirivena. The programme was scheduled as per the instructions and the direction of General Officer Commanding 62 Infantry Division Major GeneralSujeewaHettiarachchi and the supervision of Command 622 Infantry Brigade Colonel EnojHerath. Colonel NissankaKadanaarachchi - Command 621 Infantry Brigade grace the occasion as the Chief Guest. The event was organized with the supervision of Commanding Officers of 9 & 20 the Gajaba Regiment. This community programme sponsored by the members of Central Bank as per the concept and initiative take by Mr. Prasad Lokubalasooriya and his team, Mr. JanakaEdirisinghe, Mr. Piumwathugala, Mr. JanakaMaheepala, Mr. SupunKumarasena, Mr. NuwanWickramasinghe and Mr. RanjithMunasinghe.