


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

Military Programmes

  • New Kitchen Complex for the Other Ranks’ Mess

    21st June 2021 15:47:08 Hours

    The newly constructed main kitchen of 4th Battalion the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment was grandly opened by the GOC 52 Infanty Divsion Major General WHKS Peiris RWP RSP USP ndu on 16th June 2021. The main kitchen was constructed by the contribution of all ranks under directions of the Commanding Officer Major HGS Gallage psc. This opening ceremony was held under the stipulated health guidelines announced by the Army Headquarters.

  • New Guard Room for 4th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

    21st June 2021 15:31:56 Hours

    The newly constructed guard room of 4th Battalion the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment was opened by the Commander 523 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier SBWMN Samaradiwakara RSP USP on 16th June 2021. The Guard room was constructed by the contribution of all ranks under directions of the Commanding Officer Major HGS Gallage psc. This opening ceremony was held under the stipulated health guidelines announced by the Army Headquarters.

  • Security Force Jaffna Celebrates Silver Jubilee

    20th June 2021 22:27:02 Hours

    The Security Force Headquarters - Jaffna proudly celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 18 June 2021 marking yet another milestone. In celebration of the Anniversary, a series of programmes were launched with the participation and the directions of the Commander Security Force (Jaffna) Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu.

  • A Formal Military Ceremony for Newly Promoted General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division

    31st May 2021 09:58:03 Hours

    A formal military ceremony with a guard turnout awarded for the newly promoted General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division, Major General WHKS Peiris RWP RSP USP ndu with the imposed health guidelines and followed by planting of a saplingon 29 May 2021 at 52 Infantry Division premises in Mirisuvil. Commanders of 521, 522 and 523 infantry brigades and limited no of Officers were participated for the ceremony.

  • First Ever Quick Reaction Women Rider Team Established

    25th May 2021 23:08:42 Hours

    A Quick Reaction Special Rider Team from the 7th Battalion of Women’s Corps was established on the instruction of Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu and under the supervision of Commanding Officer 7th Battalion of Women’s Corps Major Rashmi Galhena on Tuesday 25 May 2021.

    This Special Women Corps Quick Reaction Rider Team was initiated to operate in an emergency situation and to assist for COVID-19 prevent and controlling process. Today, they commenced their first ever operation covering populous Jaffna city and its surburb.

  • Commander Security Force (Jaffna) Lays a Cornerstone for a Two-Story Building at Palaly Army Base Hospital

    18th May 2021 11:47:04 Hours

    Commander, Security Forces (Jaffna) Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu laid a cornerstone for the construction of two story building at Palaly Army Base Hospital on Monday 17 May 2021.

    Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu graced this brief but colorful cornerstone laying ceremony as the Chief Guest and he was greeted in a drive pass on arrival and warmely welcomed by Major Lahiru Rathnaweera Commanding Officer of Army Base Hospital Palaly.

    As the auspicious minute struck, amid chanting of 'Seth Pirith', the day's guest laid the first cornerstone for construction of the new two-story building complex. Brigadier Wandhitha Mahinkanda, Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North) and Senior Officers followed suit.

    This proposed 180 X 50 feet new two-story building is to be completed within a few months by Army funds and the combined support of Army Engineers and troops of SFHQ-Jaffna under the supervision of 5th Battalion of Engineer Services Regiment.

  • Commander Security Force Jaffna Inspects the Construction of Navatkuli Intermediate Care Centre

    13th May 2021 08:31:16 Hours

    Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera undertook an inspection visit to the reconstruction site at the Navatkuli Intermediate Care Centre on Wednesday 12 May 2021.

    During the inspection visit, the Commander Security Force Jaffna instructed troops to expedite the construction work as quickly as possible and commended the commitments and dedication of troops. Further, he closely inspected available resources at the location and paid the extreme attention for the immediate requirements and developments of ICC to treat the patients in the event of any increase of COVID-19 patients in future. This ICC can accommodate 300 patients at any given time.

  • Newly Enlisted Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim Recruits in Jaffna were Addressed by The Commander Security Force (Jaffna)

    06th May 2021 08:17:47 Hours

    The Commander Security Force (Jaffna), Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu made a observatory visit to the Battalion Training School, Vidaththalpalai on Wednesday 05 May 2021. On arrival, the visiting Commander, Security Force (Jaffna) was warmly welcomed by the General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division, Brigadier Harendra Peiris RWP RSP USP ndu.

  • Commander Security Force (Jaffna) Makes His First Visit to Forward Maintenance Area (North) & Logistic Units

    02nd May 2021 20:25:09 Hours

    Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) on arrival at HQ Forward Maintenance Area (North) was received by Colonel Forward Maintenance Area, Colonel Dhammika Thilakarathna RSP. The visiting Commander Security Force (Jaffna) planted a mango sapling to mark his visit to the Forward Maintenance Area (North). Subsequently, Commander Security Force (Jaffna) posed for a group photograph with all Commanding Officers of Logistics Units and the Staff of the HQ Forward Maintenance Area (North). Later, he addressed the troops and joined all ranks tea before visiting the premises.

  • Security Force Headquarters (Jaffna) to Commences its First Ever Recruit Training Course to be Conducted in Jaffna

    27th April 2021 20:54:28 Hours

    With the aim of transform recruits into professional soldiers and make them physically, mentally and morally fit to face the future challenges first ever recruit training course started at Battalion Training School Vidaththalpalai, Jaffna on Tuesday 27 April 2021. This recruit training course was originated as a concept of the Commander of the Army under the first phase of recruitment of 20000 soldiers for the year 2021 under the objectives set by ‘Sri Lanka Army Way Forward Strategy’. Further this training was directed by the Commander Security Force (Jaffna) Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu. This batch comprised of 359 recruits from Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims communities. The course is scheduled from 27 April 2021 to 27 August 2021 under the supervision of 52 Infantry Division and Security Force (Jaffna).