
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

News Features

  • Mayors Exchange Views with Head, NOCPCO

    12th May 2021 08:57:34 Hours

    A special discussion that got underway with a group of Mayors at the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) at Rajagiriya this afternoon (11) sought possibilities for further improvement of co-ordination of vaccination programmes that are now in progress.

  • Travel Restrictions to be Effective from Midnight (11) - Head, NOCPCO

    12th May 2021 08:51:56 Hours

    Imposition of restrictions on inter-province travelling as advised by HE the President will come into effect from midnight today (11 May 2021) and continue until midnight on May 30, 2021, although such restrictions do not apply to essential services, to be announced later, says General Shavendra Silva, Head, NOCPCO, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army. He also says possibilities for ban on inter-district travel could also be seriously considered if necessary depending on ground developments.

  • 2624 Confirmed Positive to Virus in Past 24 Hrs - NOCPCO

    12th May 2021 08:50:24 Hours

    As of this morning (11), a total of 2624 more persons were confirmed positive to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. The majority of 551 are from Gampaha District. Among them were 120 from Divulapitiya, 63 from Seeduwa, 58 from Katana, and 51 from Minuwangoda, states the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO).

  • General Shavendra Silva Leads 'Get Real' in Derana TV

    11th May 2021 11:48:45 Hours

    Monday (10) evening's 'Get Real’ in Derana 24x 7 Channel had General Shavendra Silva, Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID 19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army as the main resource person, in which a broad spectrum of COVID-19 developments, emergency measures, different perspectives, concerns, preventive mechanisms and interests were discussed on the emergence of new positive cases of COVID-19. The discussion also centered on the status quo, vaccination process, allegations against current practices, movement restrictions among districts and what else could be done to mitigate the increase of COVID-19 positive patients.

  • Army Seva Vanitha Unit Gifts Consignment of Essentials to the New COVID-19 Hospital

    10th May 2021 15:39:39 Hours

  • NOCPCO Meeting on COVID-19 Status Quo Listens to Regional Heads

    10th May 2021 15:37:56 Hours

    In the wake of detection of more and more COVID-19 positive cases, one more review meeting, held this morning (9) at the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID- 19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) at Rajagiriya, together with all health authorities and medical experts re-visited the status quo, transmission patterns of the deadly virus and evaluated emergency arrangements, PCR test procedures, existing strategies and their repercussions, co-operation between those responsible authorities and new cases/inmates in hospitals, ICCs and the state of Quarantine Centres (QCs), etc.

  • Now, Army-improvised ICC at Barathipuram for COVID-19 Patients Operational

    09th May 2021 21:41:44 Hours

    To be in line with instructions given by General Shavendra Silva, Head, NOCPCO, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, the SFHQ-Kilinochchi was among the firsts to convert the Barathipuram Quarantine Centre to serve as an Intermediate Care Centre (ICC) with all emergency hospital facilities and a team of medical professionals.

  • 122 Brigade Troops Convert Hospitals Wards to Serve as Intermediate Care Centres

    09th May 2021 21:40:15 Hours

    122 Brigade troops of the 12 Division at Hambantota readily offered their assistance and converted 3 Wards at the Regional Hospital Ambalanthota to be used as Intermediate Care Centers (ICCs) for treatment of COVID-19 patients in the event of any increase of patients in future. Troops carried out the project on Friday (7) at the request of medical authorities in Ambalantota and Hambantota.

  • Army-converted Hardy College ICC Ready to Take 400 New Cases

    09th May 2021 21:39:02 Hours

    Considering the sudden surge in numbers of COVID infected persons, Hardy College of Technology at Ampara was improvised to serve as an Intermediate Care Centre (ICC) on the directions of the Commander Security Forces-East Major General Channa Weerasuriya to meet with needs at this critical hour of our society as per guidelines issued by General Shavendra Silva, Head, NOCPCO, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.

  • Mullaittivu Troops Disinfect Public Places & Launch COVID-19 Prevention Projects

    09th May 2021 21:37:42 Hours

    Troops serving under the SFHQ-MLT launched several COVID-19 prevention programmes in and around public places in Mullaittivu and its suburbs in order to control the spread of the virus on the instructions of the Commander Security Forces – Mullaittivu, Major General Upali Rajapaksha.