
Security Force Headquarters

20th March 2025 07:07:32 Hours


A dignified formal ceremony was taken place to mark the assuming of the office of newly appointed Commander Security Forces (Wanni), Major General K M P S B Kulatunga RSP ndc psc as the 26 Security Forces Commander on 19 March 2025.

As the first segment of the ceremony, the newly appointed Commander Security Force (Wanni) was accorded with a Guard Turnout at the entrance to the camp premises. Then Commander paid the tribute to fallen War Heroes by laying a floral wreath to the monument at the Security Force (Wanni) premises and accompanied to take the salute of the Guard of Honour, presented by 7 (V) Sri Lanka Armoured Corps troops.

Thereafter, Commander SF (W) Major General K M P S B Kulatunga RSP ndc psc assumed the office and auspiciously took over the duties amidst religious observances. After attended to the Group Photographs with field commanders and Staff Officers were taken to mark the event. Subsequently a mango sapling was planted. Finally, Commander addressed the troops and the programme was concluded by all rank tea at the “Mewadana Geya” the Other Ranks’ Mess.

General Officer Commanders of Infantry Divisions, Commander Logistic Command (Wanni), Infantry Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers of Security Force Headqurters (Wanni), Commanding Officers, Officers and Other Rankers attended the ceremony to pay their respect to the newly appointed Commander Security Forces (Wanni).