18th March 2025 09:28:57 Hours
The troops of Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) arranged a formal ceremony to bid farewell to the outgoing Commander of Security Forces (Wanni), Major General J P C Peiris RWP RSP ndc, on 16 March 2025 at Security Force Headquarters (Wanni).
A Guard Turnout, accorded to the outgoing Commander at the entrance greeted him on arrival and Commander Security Forces (Wanni) pays floral tributes to the bravery fallen War Heroes at Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) War Heroes’ Monument. Thereafter he was invited to review the Guard of Honour of military salute presented by 7(V) Battalion Sri Lanka Armoured Corps. Then he attended handing over formalities at his office in the presence of all Divisional Commanders, Principle Staff Officers. Subsequently he endorsed his remarks in the Visitors Book indicating memories during his tenure.
In the middle of the formalities, he addressed the troops where he offered his sincere gratitude to all ranks served in respective formations for high standards of professionalism maintained and service rendered to have a peaceful environment while promoting civil-military coordination in the area.
The “Senura” holiday resort, built in the premises of the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) for the benefits of all ranks, was inaugurated as per the concept of the Commander Security Forces (Wanni). Later, significant consignment of essential hospital items were donated by philanthropist Mr. Senaka Rodrigo to the Army Field Hospital Wanni under the patronage of Commander Security Force (Wanni) Maj Gen J P C Peiris RWP RSP ndc.
The all General Officer Commanding, Commander of the Log Commander (Wanni), all Brigade Commanders, Senior Staff Officers of the SFHQ (W), Commanding Officers, Officers, and Other Ranks gathered to honor the retiring senior officer and bid him farewell.