
Security Force Headquarters

13th July 2024 18:25:18 Hours

21 Infantry Division Welcomes New GOC

Major General W.M.S.C.K Wanasinghe RSP USP assumed duties as the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the 21 Infantry Division amidst religious blessings and military formalities at the 21 Infantry Division Headquarters on 10 July 2024.

The newly appointed General Officer Commanding of the 21 Infantry Division was warmly welcomed by staff Officers and saluted in a Guard Turnout by 2 Mechanized Infantry Regiment troops, followed by a Guard of Honour.

In his new office, the new GOC symbolically signed an official document to mark the assumption of his duties after the religious observances. Soon after, the new GOC was invited to plant a sapling on the premises before posing for a few group photographs.

Addressing the troops, the GOC emphasized his vision for the Division's future, welfare, and the importance of soldiers' discipline before participating in an all ranks tea.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.