08th April 2022 09:05:08 Hours
2022 වර්ෂය සඳහා ශ්රී ලංකා යුද්ධ හමුදා ස්වේච්ජා බළසේනාව වෙත සෙසු නිලයින් වශයෙන් ආධුනිකයින් බදවා ගැනීමේ සුදුසුකම්
04th April 2022 15:35:53 Hours
The Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force deserves the salutation of the nation for its integration in safeguarding the sovereignty of this land under every circumstance. It is proudly proclaimed that the Volunteer Force is heading its way forward to reaching the heights of success that are expected by every individual of this soil.
30th March 2022 16:48:41 Hours
The administrative inspection of various Volunteer Battalions deployed in the country are carried out by the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force as a part of annual schedule in order to ensure a sound administrative mechanism in the respective battalions and streamline the overall mechanism conforming to the Sri Lanka Army.
22nd March 2022 15:11:40 Hours
Brigadier M T K R Silva KSP of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry assumed office on Monday (21) as the Inspector of Training of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.
07th March 2022 14:59:17 Hours
Major General S N Samarawickrama KSP made a formal visit to the 14th Battalion the Gemunu Watch on 28th of February 2022 upon his assuming office as the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on an invitation of the Commanding Officer of 14th Battalion the Gemunu Watch, Lieutenant Colonel GHAI Wijerathna RWP RSP GW.
21st January 2022 18:56:48 Hours
“The direction of the wind can’t be changed ever, whereas the direction of the sail can be led to a fertile land”
- Ama Dissanayake -
19th January 2022 15:16:42 Hours
In line with the government's policy of "Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour" introducing organic fertilizer for cultivation and agricultural purposes, Sri Lanka Army has been at the forefront with the direction of Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General L H S C Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil of producing such stocks in the past few months.
29th December 2021 11:01:58 Hours
Colonel NHJM Nawarathne assumed duties as the 08th Deputy Centre Commandant of the Sri Lanka National Guard at the Regimental Headquarters on 15 December 2021.
03rd December 2021 15:15:50 Hours
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force has been providing an assortment of welfare benefits to its serving personnel and the Insurance scheme of the Volunteer Force takes a significant importance among them. Consequently, Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation and Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force entered into an agreement on 01 December 2021 at the Head Office of the Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation pledging to provide with insurance benefits for Volunteer Force members during the period from 01 December 2021 to 30 November 2022.
13th October 2021 11:56:08 Hours
The Quartermaster Commission Course 24was terminated at Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Training School (SLAVFTS) Diyatalawa on 08 October 2021 with 42Probationary Officers.