
Security Forces Headquarters

25th December 2022 08:35:04 Hours

May This Christmas Bless You All with Abundance of Happiness, Peace & Prosperity !

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army and All Ranks Extend Christmas & Seasonal Greetings to All of You ! May it Bring Smile, Happiness & Prosperity to You ! Here follows the Commander's Brief Message of Compliments !


At this joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who brought the message of peace and love to the whole world, I am pleased to share my warmest wishes for a blessed and peaceful Christmas with all Christians of the Sri Lanka Army and their beloved family members. The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, enlightened the Christians through his teachings, to promote the core human values of kindness, forgiveness, equality and righteousness. This sacred occasion is a fine opportunity for us to grow our hearts with these greater human qualities. Further, I appreciate assistance being extended by the Sri Lanka Army Christian community in fostering reconciliation and sustainable peace among the communities for the betterment of the nation. May this Christmas bless you all with abundance of happiness, peace and prosperity !