
Security Forces Headquarters

13th October 2022 09:03:19 Hours


The Forward Maintenance Area Headquarters - East, Commander Major General Chanaka Mettananda on 27, 28 and 29 September 2022, made a first official visit to the its under command logistic units.

The Commander Forward Maintenance Area - East first arrived at the Headquarters 3th Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps on Tuesday (27), and attended the formalities there, Presentations on administrative and other functional matters of under command Logistics Units of Forward Maintenance Area (East) were also submitted by Commanding Officers of under command Unit respectively. Also he addressed the troops and joined an all rank tea before visiting the Under Command Unit premises. Commander Forward Maintenance Area (East), made notes his thoughts and good wishes in the visitors' book before he left From Under Command Units, during his visit, he attended formalities respectably of under command units, as 3rd Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, on Tuesday (27) and 3rd Corps of Engineer Services on Wednesday (28), 4thSri Lanka Army Service Corps and 2nd Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police on Thursday (29).

Colonel, Forward Maintenance Area (East), Senior Officers, Officers of under Command logistic units, officers were also present during those visits.