
Security Forces Headquarters

22nd January 2022 09:45:24 Hours


The inauguration of the battalion training course of 15 Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry under command to 221 Infantry Brigade of Security Force Headquarters (East) commenced at the Battalion Training School Thaulwewa on Tuesday 18 January 2022.

The training course, basically designed with the intention of filling up the gaps and widening the knowledge of relevant officers and other ranks of the battalions began after General Officer Commanding of the 22 Infantry Division, Major General WBWMRSP Aluvihare RWP RSP delivered the inaugural gambit.

Senior officers, including Commander 221 Infantry Brigade, Colonel MWDN Mediwaka RSP USP, Colonel General Staff 22 Infantry Division, Colonel MR Razick RSP and the Chief Instructor of the training school, Lieutenant Colonel PPS Weerasooriya SLLI along with some other officers participated in the inaugural occasion.

Training course has been designed under the guidance of Major General PML Chandrasiri WWV RWP RSP ndu, Commander Security Force - East. Accordingly, 11 Officers and 358 Other Ranks began the course on Tuesday (18) and it will continue until 08th March 2022.