
Security Forces Headquarters

07th October 2021 21:02:46 Hours


Troops of the 3 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment under command to the 241 Infantry Brigade of the 24 Infantry Division recently organized a ‘Shramadana’ campaign at Sinhala School premises in Kalmunai.

With the intention of keeping the environment clean & tidy before reopening after being closed for nearly three months due to surge of COVID-19, Commander 241 Infantry Brigade, Colonel AMC Abeykoon RWP RSP USP has given directions to initiate this programme to the Commanding Officer of 3 (V) VIR, Major DGWMSP Wijekoon psc.

Troops of the 3 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment involved with the ‘Shramadana’ campaign and cleaned the entire school premises.