
Security Forces Headquarters

15th October 2019 17:20:39 Hours


The Commander Security Forces (East), Major General K P A Jayasekera WWV RSP VSV USP ndc psc with an illustrious military career spanning over 34 years, relinquished the office of the Security Force Headquarters (East) on 14 October 2019, and will be retiring from the Sri Lanka Army on 18 October 2019. The series of formalities held at Headquarters on 14 October 2018 in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment commenced with reviewing of the Guard Turnout accorded to the outgoing Security Force Commander on arrival to the venue. The Chief Guest inspected the Guard of Honour accorded to him by troops of 4th Battalion, the Gemunu Watch in keeping with military traditions.

The Commander Security Forces (East) planted a 'Sal' sapling at the headquarter premises to mark his farewell. GOCs, Commander FMA (E), Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and a large gathering of Officers and Other Ranks were present at the occasion.

Subsequently, the Security Forces Commander posed for group photographs with the field commanders and Staff of the SFHQ (E). Before participating for the all ranks tea, the outgoing Commander Security Forces (East) thanked the Staff for all generous support extended during the office at his tenure of the Security Forces - (East) addressing the troops of the Security Force Headquarters - (East).

In the evening, farewell function was organized at the Officers' Mess on account of the farewell of the Commander Security Forces (East) with the participation of the GOCs, Officers of the SFHQ (E) and distinguished guests. In keeping with the traditions, the Brigadier Admin and Quartering of SFHQ (E) Brigadier Micheal Wanniarachchi CO of the O¬fficersZ Mess" presented a memento to the Commander Security Forces (East) in appreciation of his services to the Security Force Headquarters (East).

Major General Aruna Jayasekera delivering the farewell speech unfolded his profound sense of feelings and gratitude to all Officers for the good gesture extended to him during the period he served as the Commander Security Forces (East). He placed his signature on the Visitors’ Book leaving an inspiring and indelible chapter as the Commander Security Forces (East). The proceedings reached the culmination with the departure of outgoing Commander Security Forces (East) Major General Aruna Jayasekera, from the Security Force Headquarters (East) on 15 October 2019 amidst the good wishes of all ranks of SFHQ (E) being in street lining.