
Security Forces Headquarters

26th March 2019 18:11:33 Hours


The Eastern Province Governor's Secretariat organized a special Alms Giving Ceremony on (21) Thursday at the Hindu Cultural Auditorium Trrincomalee on account of the 'Thripitakabhivandana' programme.

On the instructions of Major General W A N M Weerasingha RSP USP ndc, General Officer Commanding - 22 Division, the troops provided their assistance by cleaning and decorating the entire premises before the Pinkama. A colorful procession comprised with dancers of the cultural troupe accompanied the members of Maha Sangha to the Danashalawa amidst reverberating traditional drums and Hevisi.

Most Venerable Ahungalle Siri Seela Visuddhi Maha Nayaka Thero delivered an Anusasana on the importance of Thripitaka. 100 members of the Maha Sangha attended the Alms Giving Ceremony. Major General Nevil Weerasingha - General officer Commanding 22 Division also attended the occasion together with Senior Officers and Other Ranks.