
Security Forces Headquarters

16th November 2018 18:06:09 Hours


Major General Santhusitha Pananwala, the Commander Security Forces - East made his farewell visit to the Headquarters 23 Infantry Division - Punani on Thursday (15) before his relinquishment of office as the Commander SF - East. On the arrival of the visiting Commander SF-E at the 23 Division Headquarters, he was warmly welcomed by Brigadier Kapila Udalupola, General Officer Commanding (GOC) 23 Division, before he was accorded a Guard Turnout by the troops of 6th Gajaba Regiment in conformity with military traditions.

To mark the visit, the Commander SF-E was then invited to plant a sapling inside the 23 Division Headquarters premises. The Commander addressed the troops and appreciated the services rendered by all ranks encouraging them to continue to offer their service effectively in future as well. Moreover, he repeatedly emphasized the great support extended by Officers and Other Ranks to achieve his goals during his tenure as the General Officer Commanding 23 Infantry Division. At the end of the visit, Comd SF (E) signed the visitors' book as an aide memoire and a plaque was presented to him by the GOC. Subsequently, he participated for an all ranks tea and concluded the proceedings leaving a complementary remark on the visitors’ book. Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and all Staff Officers of 23 Infantry Division attended for this occasion.

Consequent to the proceedings of the 23 Division, the Commander SF (East) visited the Regional Ordnance Stores Complex - Punani (ROSCCP) to inspect the progress of the construction and instructed on further enhancement to expedite the progress. Comd SF (E) visited Chief Incumbent of Mangalaramaya Batticaloa Ven. Ampitiye Sumanarathan Thero, Mamanga Pilliar Kovil Batticaloa, District Secretary Batticaloa Mr. M. Udaya Kumara and had a call on with Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police – Eastern Province Mr. H D K S Kapila Jayasekara on Thursday 15 to formally inform his departure.