
Security Forces Headquarters

09th June 2018 17:34:26 Hours


The importance of having Infantry Special Mission Groups (ISMG) are twofold and it can be used in covert and overt operations where situations are sensitive and fragile which demands small scale and individual military actions.

The Reality Based Self Defence (RBSD) course was carefully designed under direction of Commander Security Force East, Major General Santhusitha Pananwala with special focus on enhancing the capacity of men and women serving in the Security Force East to face future security challenges.

Reality Based Self Defence (RBSD) training module is pivotal for engagements and disengagements with aggressive crowds and individuals. These trained groups can be directed to collect information, int-collecting, ops and strikes on the approval of relevant authorities.

Accordingly, 23 Division conducted 04 RBSD courses so far with the assistance of skilled and professional soldiers of 1 Commando Regiment (CR).

In response to a request made by the Commander Security Force (MLT), a group of Reality Based Self Defence (RBSD) competent Army personnel of Security Force Headquarters East conducted a demonstration for 3 x Officers and 60 x Other Ranks of Security Force Headquarters (MLT) on 07 June 2018 in view of forming the RBSD groups. The event was held at the 23 Division Headquarters, Punani, with the presence of the General Officer Commanding 23 Division, Brigadier Chula Abenayaka.