
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:49 Hours


1. 24 Division organized a series of events coincide with the main programmed of the Sri Lanka Army’s 68th Anniversary with the direction of 24 Division General Officer Commander Maj Gen LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu.\r\n\r\n2. Events include With Tree Planting Campaign at 24 Division Head Quarters, Shramadana Campaign to clean the Sarana Elders Home at Ampara and Bodhi Puja on 10 Oct 2017. \r\n\r\n3. Tree planting programme at 24 Division Headquarters Ampara \r\n\r\na. 24 Division has lunched a major tree planting campaign in Div premises in parrel to the 68th Anniversary of Army Day Programme 2017. \r\nb. General Officer Commanding 24 Division Maj Gen LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu, Snr Offrs, all ranks and few other Agriculture Advisers of the area took part in the programme Tuesday (10) morning.\r\nc. Varieties of over 600 sapling include Jack, Mango, Wood apple, Lime, Anona, Kubuk, Bulu, Teak, Kaya and Margosa etc . \r\nd. These saplings are collected from the Troops serving in the 24 Division and Agriculture Institute in Ampara area.\r\n4. Shramadana Campaign at Sarana Elders Home Ampara\r\n\r\na. Troops of 24 Div at Ampara organized a shramadana activity on 10 Oct 17 in Sarana Elders Home Ampara in accordance with Sri Lanka Army 68th Anniversary with the guidance of GOC 24 Div Maj Gen LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu.\r\n \r\nb. Warden of the Elders Home and all the elders in the home commend the troops for taking necessary action when needed.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n5. Bodhi puja\r\n\r\na. In the Evening hrs bodhi puja was conducted in the camp premises, with attendance of all staff in 24 Division Head Quarters. Herewith att all relevant photos for nec act pls. \r\n