
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:45 Hours


The 14th United Nations Vesak Day, as well as Sri Lanka’s National Vesak festival, took place in Sri Lanka this year on a grand scale. With the guidance of Commander Security Force (E) Major General Nandana Senadeera WWV RWP RSP USP ndu the 23 Division along with FMA (E) and District Secretariat Polonnaruwa, organized the ‘Pulathisipura Vesak Zone’ at kaduruwela, themed ‘Lord Buddhas Teachings for social justice and Sustainable Global Peace’. \r\n\r\nAs it is the first time in the recent history such a huge Vesak Festival was held at Polonnaruwa, tens of thousands of people around the area visited the site. 23 Division and FMA (E), with the support of troops serving in brigades and units in the AOR decorated the entire vesak zone with hundreds of vesak lanterns. Concerts of devotional songs (Bakthi Gee), cultural shows, free eateries (Dansal), free herbal drinks, digital pandol and other decorations displayed to the public from 10th may to 13th May. \r\n\r\nCommander SF (E) Major General Nandana Senadeera WWV RWP RSP USP ndu participated for the event as the chief guest on 11th May. Clergy, District Secreatary Polonnaruwa Mr. Ranjith Ariyarathne, General Officer Commanding 23 Division Major General HWSDB Pananwala, Commander FMA (E) Major General M Mudannayake, Major General EMM Ambanpola, Brigade Commanders of 231, 232 and 233 Brigades, Senior Staff Officers of SF HQ (E) and 23 Div, all Commanding Officers of the AOR and a large number of civilians from all communities (Sinhala, Tamil, Moore) participated in the event.\r\n