
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:26 Hours


His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Hon Maithreepala Sirisena visited the SFHQ (East) to address the troops of Security Forces East on 24th May 2015. Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Mr. BMUD Basnayake, the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General AWJC de Silva RWP USP ndu psc and Security Force Commander Major General NJ Walgama RSP USP ndu psc warmly welcomed the President. A Guard of Honour was presented to the president by the Sri Lanka Engineers. A Tree Planting Ceremony was held to mark the visit.\r\nHis Excellency the President addressed 3000 troops who were present at the SFHQ (East) representing Officers and Other Ranks serving in the AOR of SF (East). A memento was presented to HE the President by the Commander of Security Force (East) in appreciation of his visit to the SFHQ (East). HE the President had a close dialogue with officers and other ranks of the SFHQ (East) during the all ranks tea party.\r\nAll Division Commanders, Brigade Commanders, Logistics Commander, School Commandants and Battalion Commanders participated for the occasion.