
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:08 Hours


Commander, Security Forces (East) Maj Gen SAAL Perera RWP RSP USP ndu IG addressed Comds at all levels including Field Comds, Comd FMA(E), COs of logistic Bns, Comdts of Army Training Schools serving in the AOR of Security Forces (East) at Security Force Headquarters on 26th Nov 2014. Comd Security Forces (East) appreciated the contribution made by the Comds at all levels to maintain the Security & Stability in the area of Eastern Theater. Further Comd Security Forces (East) stressed that the breaching of discipline by service personal in the AOR is minimum and instr Comds at all levels to maintain it. Also he stressed that the social responsibilities wasted upon Security Forces deploy in Eastern Theater is mainly to assists Civil authorities to develop infrastructure facilities of general public. All GOCs, Comd FMA(E), Comdts of TRG Schools, Bde Comds, Bn Comdts and grade I officers of SFHQ (E) were presences at the event.