Major General WMSN Wijekoon ndc AATO
Logistics Command (East)
Major General WMSN Wijekoon ndc AATO has joined the Sri Lanka Army on 26August 1991 withIntake 36.This Senior Officer successfully completed his basic military training at the Sri Lanka Military Academy. After commissioning on 19th June 1993, was postedto the 1stRegtOrdnance Corps as a Second Lieutenant of the Sri Lanka Ordnance Corps respectively. In an outstanding tour of duty performed with fearless determination and resolute integrity; he was promoted to the rank of Colonel on 2019and promoted to the rank of Brigadier on 04Feb 2022, and was pomoted to the rank of Major General on 18 Jan 2025.Sumedha Wijekoon counts over 34 years of unblemished distinguished service.
Being an officer who represents a rare combination of fairness in judgment, immunity to pressure, and fidelity to truth, he steadily advanced his career in command, staff and training appointments. He was the BAQ - SFHQ(E),Moreover, this senior officer held the appointments of theDirector Procurement – DHQC Project Akuregoda,Col MGO of Master General Ordnance Branch, AHQ, Col AQ - 57 InfantryDivision KLN, Deputy Comdt and Oftg Commandant – CAAD , SO I (PPP) – Dte Of OrdnanceService, AHQ, CO – 2 SLAOC in Anp, SO I – RHQ SLAOC, the Commandant School of Ordnance and theCommander Sector 19, Oftg SO I (Executive Branch)Dte Of Ordnance Service, AHQ,Dy Comdt -BOD Further, he has served as the SO II (A) SFHQ(J), Oftg SO 1 (Log) - SFHQ(J), SO II - FMA(N/C), ADC to Maj Gen LLA Fernando USP (Log Comd & Col Comdt SLAOC), Adjt - 2 SLAOC, OC - FOD (MNR), Over Looking SO II - RHQ SLAOC, SO III - RHQ SLAOC, SO III (S&M) - MGO BR, AHQ,OC - FOD 51 Div (JFN), FOT - 511 BDE (JFN) OP Rivirasa,Actg OC Log Coy(Infantry Role) - TF 1 (VNA),FOD-DLA - Actg OC, PL Comd (Infantry Role) - 21 Bde(JFN), OffrInstr - Sch of ORD, Group Offr – 1 SLAOC. This senior officer is currently serving as the Commander - Log Comd (East).
His contribution to the counter insurgency operations during the protracted war against terrorism was outstanding and praiseworthy. For the display of such velour and exceptional service, he was awarded medals including;
- North-Humanitarian Operation Medal & CLEP
- East-Humanitarian Operation Medal
- Purna Bhumi Padakkama
- North and East Operations Medal & 3 CLEPS
- Riviresa Campaign Service Medal & CLEP
- 75th Independence Day Commemoration Medal 2023
- 50th Independence Anniversary Medal 1998
- Sri Lanka Army 50th Anniversary Medal 1999
- Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal 1979
- Sevabhimani Medal
- Service Medal
- Videsha Seva Padakkama
- Service Medal and United Nations Medal (Haiti)
Major General Sumedha Wijekoon has followed several foreign andlocal professional courses which depicts his utmost determination and integrity towards motherland starting with the Officer Cadet Training Course at SLMA in 1991.
- Military Education
Young Officers Course at ATS / ITC / CRTS -1993
Officers Far Excellence 5(v) SLLI (KDY) - 1994
Bn Intelligence Offr Course (MIC-CBO) -1994
YOs Course (ORD) – 23 in Pakistan -1999
Peace Keeping Trg Course for UN Missions (IPSOTSL -Kukuleganga) - 2011
Senior Management Officer Course (SMOC) 38 in India-2010
Higher Ordnance Management course (HOMC) 47 in India-2020 - Professional / Staff Qualifications
Advance Material Management Course (AATO) -14 in India - 2009
National Security & Strategic Studies (NS & SS) Course no 02 at NDC (CBO) – 2022/23
MSc in national Secuity and Strateic Studies (NS and SS) at KDU - 2023 - Diploma / Certificate Courses
Sport Administrator Course- Olympic Solidarity SL – 2020
Diploma in Project Management – IPM-2020
Diploma in Human Recourse Management- FCCISL-2015
Higher National Diploma in Psychology and Counselling - SLFI -2013
Diploma in Information Technology – IDM - 2002 - Missions
UN Peace Keeping Mission (Minustha) – Haiti 2011 - Sport Achievements /Visits
Vice Chairman of Sri Lanka Army Judo Committee
37th World Military JUDO Championship-2016 in Switzerland, (Team Captain of Defense Service Team)
North Bangkok International JUDO Championship- 2019 in Thailand,(Manager -Sri Lanka Judo Team)
This senor officer was born Gampola in 1971 and educated at Kottawa Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya and President Collage Mharagama. At a young age, he was enthusiastic in playing Wrestling, Badminton and Volleyball in School and District/National Level. He is married and blessed with two daughters. His spouse is a retired Army Officer. In fact, he is an officer of great character and wonderful temperament who enjoys a splendid reputation for his perseverance, integrity, honesty and fidelity in the Army.