Maj Gen HCL Galappathti RSP USP
Genaral Officer Commanding
24 Infantry Division
Major General HCL Galappathti RSP USP was enlisted as an officer cadet in the Regular Force of the Sri Lanka Army on 02 January 1991 with the Intake 35 After successfully completing basic military training at the Sri Lanka Military Academy in Diyatalawa, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and posted to the prestigious Infantry Regiment of Sri Lanka Gemunu Watch.
During his illustrious military career, Major General Chaminda Galappathti earned a stellar reputation as a senior officer who served in important command, instructor and staff capacities. The senior officer has held many important command and staff appointments at different levels. Such as; Platoon Commander of the 11th and 19th Battalions of Sri Lanka Gemunu Watch, Company Commander of the 11th Battalions of Sri Lanka Gemunu Watch, General Staff Officer III (Operations) at RHQ - GW, Staff Officer II (Coord) at Joint Operational Headquarters, Staff Officer II (Log) at RHQ GW, Second in command of 19 GW, Commanding Officer of 5 GW, General Staff Officer I (Ops) at 56 Infantry Division, General Staff Officer I (Local Training) at Dte of Trg, General Staff Officer I (Coord) at SF HQ (J), Staff Officer I at Dte of Media, Colonel General staff at 62 Infantry Division, Commander in 682 Infantry Brigade, Head of the RAP & D Wing in Dte of RCD and Center Commandant of RHQ GW.
Major General ChamindaGalappathti served the country with dedication and valor, being a source of strength for his clan of Defenders of the Nation. In honor of his bravery in the face of the enemy, he has been decorated with the “Rana Sura Padakkama” and awarded the “Uththama Seva Padakkama” for his unblemished and exemplary service in the Army.
During his adventurous journey in his military life, Major General Chaminda Galappathti had the opportunity to enhance his knowledge over the horizon by completing numerous overseas and local military training courses. Among them are overseas courses such as, Young Officer Course in Bangladesh, Junior Command Course in India and the International Defence Management Course in California - USA.
As local course, he has followed the Air Mobile Course, Airborne Course, Battalion Support Weapon Course, Marksmanship Instructor Course, Unit Account Officer Course and Motor Transport Officer Course.
He is a proud product of Sivali Central College - Rathnapura. Throughout his academic tenure, he distinguished himself not only academically but also in athletics and other extra-curricular activities.
Major General Chaminda Galappathti counts over 34 years of loyal and unblemished record of service.