
Security Forces Headquarters

18th June 2024 09:21:03 Hours


Security Forces- East (SF-East) organized an event with the participation of retired War Veterans and next of kin at the Polonnaruwa Distric area on 08 June 2024. The event aimed to inquire about their well-being and address their administrative matters. The State Minister of Defence, Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, graced the occasion as the chief guest.

At the outset, seven Directorates of Army Headquarters, including the Directorate of Pay & Records, the Directorate of Army Benevolent Fund, the Directorate of Personnel Administration, the Directorate of Legal Services Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the Directorate of Welfare, the Directorate of Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation and the Directorate of Army Medical Services, had established seven help desks where War Veterans had the facility to report their complaints and inform about their matters.

Major General S A Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc, the Commander, SF - East, welcomed the arriving chief guest, and a short documentary on Army Welfare and Rehabilitation processes was presented to the gathering. Subsequently, the Army song was recited and two minutes of silence were observed in remembrance of fallen War Heroes.

During his speech, the State Minister of Defence commemorated the fallen War Heroes and appreciated the gathering for their service rendered to the Nation. Further, he appreciated the bravery and disciplinary service of the Army troops. Afterward, the gathering was given the opportunity to express their thoughts.

Thereafter, the State Minister of Defence Addressing the troops of SFHQ - East. In his speech, he emphasized the military's role in shaping individuals with moral, courageous, and disciplined traits, crucial for societal development under experienced military leadership. Towards the end, the Commander, SF - East presented a special memento to the State Minister of Defence as a symbol of appreciation and commendation.

Distric Secretary Polonnaruwa Mr. E M D S Ekanayaka¸Major General W W H R R V M N D K B Niyangoda RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc - AG AHQ , Senior Officers, Officers, Government officials War Veterans, and their families also took part in the event.