
Security Forces Headquarters

31st May 2024 16:18:50 Hours


In accordance with the novel concept of the Commander of the Army, where troops of the Sri Lanka Army provide support to families in need within their respective battalion AORs, a needy family was rewarded in Kaduruwela. This family consisting of a disabled father, mother and a daughter was selected in consultation with the respective government officials of Wadichchalaya, Kaduruwela, by thetroops of 7 SLA.

The project was carried out under the guidance of the Commander SF (E), Major General S A Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc and the General Officer Commanding 23 Infantry Division, Major General W P Kariyawasam, with the close supervision of the Commander 231 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier AADP Kulathilake USP ndc psc. Troops of 7 SLA rendered their fullest support with man power and technical expertise to complete the project within three months. Necessary funds were contributed by kind hearted philanthropists. Making use of the resources available locally, the Commanding Officer 7 SLA, Lieutenant Colonel RNCY Ramanayake psc IGSLA devoutly supervised the construction process throughout ensuring the proper execution and timely completion of the project.

The Commander SF (E) ceremonially handed over the key to Mrs. R.P.G. Malani Amarasinghe and her family on 28 May 2024 at an auspicious time amidst “Pirith Chanting” by venerable Maha Sanga. After the customary proceedings, the family was donated with essential items including food (dry and fresh rations) and household goods by the officers, other ranks and donors.

Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks, respective government authorities, donors and local residents of the area attended this charming ceremony.