
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:49:47 Hours


First round of the interviews was held from 04 Apr 2014 to 30 June 2014 at 22, 23 & 24 Divs to recruit Sinhala, Tamil & Muslim youths in Polonnaruwa, Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara districts who are unemployed and willing to serve their mother land. 426 youths have been enrolled under this. After recruiting they will be directed to various professions to perform their duties such as Drivers, Clerks, Computer operators, Carpenters, Painters, Welders, Plumbers, Masons, Engine fixers, Electricians, Draftsmen, Store Keepers, Generator Operators, Aluminum Welders, Cooks, Artists, Tillers and 133 tradesman$s attach to 6 SLAGSC (Kandakadu Farm) according to their educational qualifications and vocational training. Recruiting Sinhala, Tamil & Muslim youth in Eastern theater has been executing since the beginning of 2014, at the first stage 111 Tamil girls were recruited to the Sri Lanka Army and it is intended to recruit 700 Sinhala, Tamil & Muslim boys this time under the guidance of Commander Security Force (East) Maj Gen Lal Perera RWP RSP USP ndu IG. Youths those who would undergo an introductory military training before they were deployed as tradesmen in different projects will be provided all facilities.