
Security Forces Headquarters

21st March 2018 20:41:15 Hours


A football match was held between the teams of 22 Division and Muthur League on 15 March 2018 at Muthur Central College Grounds with the view to promote good relations and understanding between the ethnic groups and to motivate the youth in the area.

Under the guidance of General Officer Commanding 22 Division Major General KPA Jayasekara, it was organized by Commander 224 Brigade Colonel P Ediriweera. A large gathering of civil and military personnel witnessed the match with enthusiasm. After a close encounter, the football team of 22 Division won the match with 3 - 0 against its rival.

The Chief Guest of the occasion, General Officer Commanding 22 Division Major General Aruna Jayasekara and other invitees gave away trophies and certificates to both teams at the end of the match. The Kandian dancing team of 15 SLLI entertained the gathering during the half time of the match making the event more colourful.

Ven. Trincomalee Darmakeerthi Thero, Kurukkal of Sampoor Kali Kovil Siva Sri Krisna Sami, Rev Fr. M Sudarshan Gomes, Muttur Mavlavee Thasrik Hasarath, Thopoor Mavlavee Aman Hasarath, Mollipothana Mavlavee NM Safeek, Commander 222 Brigade Brigader DMKDB Pussella, Commander 224 Brigade Colonel P Ediriweera, Divisional Secretary Muttur Mr. AM Thaheer, Senior Officers, Officers and other Ranks were present at the event.