
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:39 Hours


The School of Military Police was inaugurated on 24 December 2003 with the aim of enhancing the provost knowledge and understanding of Officers and Other Ranks of SLCMP. \r\nSince the day of inception of the school, a separate Officers\' Mess was not functioned for officer students to accommodate and to have meals and beverages during their period of training. During the last thirteen years, 2 SLCMP provided those facilities for the officer participants of the courses.\r\nHowever, having identified the requirement Lt Col RD Sallay SLCMP, Comdt Sch of MP, the construction of new Officers’ Mess was initiated with his staff. Entire project was completed utilizing self-created funds, local resources and technical expertise within a period of four months and twenty days.\r\nOfficers’ Mess of Sch of MP was ceremonially declared open by Brigadier VN Coswatte RSP, Col Comdt SLCMP in the presence of Senior Officers serving in the SLCMP on 14 January 2017. Subsequent to the opening ceremony, a dinner at newly constructed Officers’ Mess was held with a number of dignitaries. Maj Gen Darshana Hettiarrachchi RSP USP ndu psc, Comd SF (E), Maj Gen Manoj Mudannayake RSP USP, Comd FMA (E), Brig Nirmal Coswatte RSP, Col Comdt SLCMP and Senior Officers of SLCMP were among the invitees.\r\n