
Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:50:45 Hours


On the directions of Commander of the Army, 23 Division organized an empowerment programme with the auspices of “Maha Karuna Buddhist Society - Singapore” on 10 June 2017 at Laya Waves Hotel - Kalkudah. Maha Karuna Buddhist Society (Singapore and Malaysia) involved in this virtuous event during a visit to Sri Lanka along with Ven. (Dr) K Gunarathana Thero. \r\n\r\n School items, stationeries and maternity substances were distributed among 225 students and pregnant mothers of the 23 Division area. Besides, household items, food items and financial aids were donated among 140 civilians of Wellawadiya, Punnakudah, Monarathenna, Aselapura, Kadawathmaduwa, Punani and Mailankarachchi villages. General Officer Commanding 23 Division Maj Gen HWSDB Pananwala RSP ndu graced the occasion along with the Civil Affairs Officer Lt Col HMLK Amunugama SLSR, Civil Affairs Officer 231 Bde Lt Col HPDA Wijesekara SLSR and 2IC 11 SLA Maj KMCS Weerasinghe psc. \r\n\r\n