
Security Forces Headquarters

26th May 2024 20:57:33 Hours


As per the conceptual guidance of Security Forces (East) Commander Major General S A Kulatunge RWP RSP VSV USP psc, the Security Forces Headquarters (East) together with 23 Infantry Division, Logistic battalions, and Affiliated battalions celebrated the Vesak Festival 2024 symbolizing religious prosperity, in a grand manner at the Vesak zone in Welikanda town from 23 - 26 May 2024.

The proceedings commenced at 1830 hr on 23 May 2024 with a venerable priest performing religious rites and invoking blessings to all present at the location. Thereafter, the Vesak Lantern exhibition was opened to the public by the Commander Security Forces (East). Troops of Security Forces (East) presented a total of fourteen lanterns that included many impressive rotating lanterns, to fill the hearts and minds of everyone living in the area. The Commander paid a visit to the Vesakzone observing the impressive Vesak decorations with flags, lanterns, and Illuminations that depict the rich cultural and religious heritage of the country. During the visit, the Commander of Security Forces (East) appreciated the efforts of everyone who was involved in organizing this spectacle at Welikanda.

Thereafter, the ‘Rice Dansala’ organized at the zone was opened to the civilians by the Security Forces (East) Commander Major General Shewanth Kulatunge. It was a great offering for an enormous number of people traveling on the Polonnaruwa, Batticaloa road, and people around Welikanda. This generous initiative extended to everyone beyond the religious and ethnic boundaries and served nearly 8000 persons till the dawn of the following day.

Distinguished invitees representing all communities, GOC 23 Infantry Division, Brigade Commanders, All staff officers of the Security Forces Headquarters (East), Commanding Officers, Officers, and other ranks were present at this magnanimous event.