
Security Forces Headquarters

24th June 2021 13:11:19 Hours


Batticaloa District Coordinating Committee for prevention of COVID - 19 pandemic presided by the GA Batticaloa, Mr. K Karunaharan, assembled at the District Secretariat Batticaloa on 14 June 2021 and lunched a donation programme of indispensable medical equipment. Director of Batticaloa Teaching Hospital, Major General Nalin Koswatte the General Officer Commanding 23 Infantry Division and Brigadier Vijitha Hettiarachchi the Commander 231 Infantry Brigade also attended the said event.

In response to a request of Teaching Hospital Batticaloa, Brigadier Vijitha Hettiarachchi initiated this donation programme and handed over the following medical equipment to support smooth functioning of Covid-19 prevention mechanism.

Benefactors and Medical Equipment are; 2 x Mini Centrifuge donated by Director – Aruvi and Mrs. S Sutharshini (Addl GA), High Speed Microliter Centrifuge donated by Mr. V Nallaretnam, RT PCR Equipment and 2 x Viral Nucleic Acid Extractor donated by Inter Religious Forum - Batticaloa, Autoclave, and Micropipette donated by Mr. S S Iswaran, H2O2 Fumigator and 70” C Freezer donated by Mr. Selvaraja and businessmen, Heat Block donated by ESCO and Electric Sterilizer donated by EHED.