
Security Forces Headquarters

07th October 2023 12:11:31 Hours


Considering the future challenge of tsunami disaster, the Disaster Management Centre of Sri Lanka conducted an exercise in the general area Kuchchaweli, to aware the community against any tsunami situation in the area. Conducted the exercise to evacuate the civil community of the general area Pudavaikaddu, Mathurankuda, Sagarapura and evacuated the students of An-noor Muslim College Kuchchaweli on 04 October 2023.

During the exercise, 700 civilians were evacuated from those areas within 45 minutes to a safe location after alerting the tsunami situation. Moreover, 353 students and 20 teachers of An-noor Muslim College were evacuated to a safe location within 20 minutes. 03 X 53 Army troops, 01 X 20 Navy troops, 03 X 20 STF officers, 00 X 02 Police officers, and several stakeholders from World Vision, Children's Fund, Petroleum Cooperation, Red Cross, staff of Kuchchaveli DS Division, PHIs, Doctors and President of the Mosques participated to coordinating part of the exercise.

The programme was conducted with the close supervision and participation of Brigadier KKS Parakum RWP RSP, Deputy General Officer Commanding, 22 Infantry Division, and, the exercise was organized by the Commanding Officer, 20 Battalion Gajaba regiment with coordinating the Disaster Management Centre - Trincomalee.