
Security Forces Headquarters

22nd July 2021 20:02:24 Hours


Major General ChannaWeerasuriya, Commander Security Force - East on Thursday (22) visited the 233 Infantry Brigade in Vakarei.

On arrival at the premises, the Commander was greeted by a Drive Pass inconformity with military traditions before he was received by Colonel WasanthaHewage, the Commander 233 Infantry Brigade.

Addressing the troops in 233 Infantry Brigade, the Commander SF-E encouraged the troops to continue to offer their service while maintaining the highest standards of discipline at all levels. Further, the Commander urged them to stick to the health guidelines in the present pandemic situation in the country and advised to be courteous when travelling due to the rapid increase of vehicle accidents reported at present. Lateronthe SF-E Commander was invited to plant a sapling inside the 233 Infantry Brigade Headquarters premises.

Major General NalinKoswatte General Officer Commanding 23 Infantry Division, Commanding Officers of the under command battalions and the Staff Officers of the Brigade also accompanied the Commander SF-Eduring the visit.